Landlord Reference Please complete the following form on behalf of your current or previous tenant, in connection with the application they have submitted for tenancy at Birchview Apartments, Madison, WI. All submitted information is confidential, and is only requested to help verify already submitted information, and to supply any new information that you think would be helpful to either the tenant, or the landlord requesting the information.Form Filer Name: *Please enter the name of the person filing this form.Form Filer Title: *Please enter the title or position of the form filerForm Filer EmailEmail only required If you wish to receive a copy of this form.Name of Tenant *Please Enter the Name of the TenantTenant Address: *Enter Tenant Address - Including Street Address, Apt #, City, and StateTenant Status: *Current TenantPast TenantPlease Choose OptionDid You Offer a Renewal *YesNoDid Tenant Give Proper Notice to Vacate?YesNoLease Start Date: *Please Enter Date that Tenant Started Leasing From YouLease End Date: *Enter End Date if Previous TenantNumber of Tenants on Lease: *Please enter a Number From 1 - 10Rent Amount: *USDPlease Enter Rent AmountWas Rent Generally Paid on Time? *YesNoHow Many Times Was Rent Late? *Please select an option1 Time2 - 4 Times4 - 6 TimesMore Than 6 TimesWere any Notices, Complaints, or Evictions filed against tenant(s)?YesNoWhich Notices, Complaints, or Evictions Filed? *One 5-Day NoticeMore Than One 5-Day Notice14-Day Eviction NoticeTenant Complaints FiledEviction Action FiledCheck ALL That ApplyExplanation for Notices / Complaints / EvictionsCircumstances Surrounding Notices, Complaints, or EvictionsDid the Tenant Cause any Damage to Unit, Building, or Apt. Community? *YesNoDid you, or will you, withhold any money from the Security Deposit? *YesNoExplanation of money withheld from Security Deposit.Circumstances Surrounding Money Withheld.Are there any monies, or back rent still owed? *YesNoAmount Owed *Explanation of money or back rent still owed.Circumstances Surrounding Money Owed.Did the Tenant Own any Pets? *No Pets1 Cat1 DogMultiple DogsMultiple CatsOther PetsCheck All That ApplyHelpful Notes Send Message