All recycle items need to be CLEAN and DRY, and must to be loosely placed in the GREEN bins.
You should not place bags of recyclables in the bins, just empty your bag right into the bin, and you can even reuse your bag!
For detailed instructions, tap or click here
Recycle Bin

Containers with recycle #’s 1-7. This includes bottles (leave lids on), milk jugs, laundry bottles, and food packaging like dairy tubs and lids, deli containers, and clamshells from take-out / doggie bags.
Junk mail, magazines, newspapers / inserts, office paper, and cardboard (see cardboard instructions in the next section).
Aluminum cans and pans, steel and tin cans, pots and pans, empty aerosol cans, and small metal appliances (toasters, etc.).
All bottles and jars – without caps and lids.

Cardboard stained with FOOD, OIL, or GREASE cannot be recycled, throw it in the trash bin. Does your pizza box have stains or cheese stuck to it? Throw it in the trash bin!
Breakdown your boxes, no matter how big or small they are. This helps keep the bin from filling up too quickly, and leaves room for your neighbors boxes. It is also a requirement from the city of Madison, and the recycling company.
If you have a large quantity of broken down boxes that won’t fit in the bin, you can stack them up and tie them together; then set them next to the bins on recycling day.
Large Item Disposal

If you have ANY trash that’s too large for the trash bin, then you need to schedule a pick up with the city.
Here’s a GUIDE to help you know what they pick up, and here’s a price list for any fees associated.
Things like FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, and exercise equipment are free.
Scheduling Info
Click here to SCHEDULE PICK UP online. You’ll be taken to the scheduling website.
Call 608-266-4681 if you need assistance scheduling your pick up.

Electronics like TV’s, computer equipment, and microwaves, cannot be put in the trash or recycling bins; they must be taken to a drop off site, and require a disposal fee.
Here’s a GUIDE for recycling Electronics.
Here is a PRICE LIST for disposal fees.
Recycling helps keep toxic waste out of our landfills, and helps reduce pollution.
Use the links, and contact info below to learn more about recycling in Madison, and answer any questions you may have regarding items you need to dispose of.
Click or Tap HERE for a complete Recyclopedia Guide to recycling in Madison.
Click or Tap HERE to open the Madison City Streets website for even MORE information.
Call 608-266-4681 if you need assistance with anything regarding trash or recycling in Madison.